10,000 steps in July for The Lewis Foundation
Fri, 01 Jul
|Anywhere in the World
Join Team Lewis in walking 10,000 steps every day in July.

Time & Location
01 Jul 2022, 00:00 – 31 Jul 2022, 23:50
Anywhere in the World
About the Event
Challenge yourself to complete 10,000 steps a day this July.
This challenge is aimed at people of all fitness levels.
Go for your daily stroll, take your dog out for a walk or clock up those miles around the golf course. There is a variety of ways for you to complete this challenge over the course of a month!
We recommend setting your fundraising target to £100, but the goal is to raise what you can.
We suggest that you start the challenge on 1st July 2022 and continue until 31st July 2022. However, if you start later you can make up the extra steps throughout July.
You choose what time, when and how you wish to complete your 10,000 daily steps. You may also walk extra one day if you have steps to make up.
Methods we suggest to use to record your steps include your phone, most have a health app installed. If not, you can find free ones via your app store. If you have a device such as a Fitbit or Apple Watch it enables you to record your steps.
Set up your fundraising page - https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/10000stepsforthelewisfoundation
Join our Facebook Group, to connect and share your journey with others completing the challenge: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1484470415324937
At the end of the challenge receive your Lewis Foundation medal to thank you for your achievements.
The money and awareness you raise will help us to provide free gifts and support to adults who have been diagnosed with cancer and are spendong their time in the hospital setting. These gifts help support people's physical and mental wellbeing whilst in hospital. They help to pass the time, provide comfort and give people something to look forward to.
We rely on donations to provide our services and our work would not be possible without your support!
Team Lewis Member 10,000 steps
Thank you for joining Team Lewis & completing the 10,000 steps a day challenge!
£0.00Sale ended